Idaho Cursillo Movement
Make a friend. Be a friend. Bring a friend to Christ
The Cursillo Movement - What is It?
Cursillo (pronounced kur-see-yo) is a Spanish word meaning “little' or “short couse.” A Cursillo begins with a silent retreat on a Thursday evening. The three days of Cursillo begin on Friday morning and end on Sunday. During those three days, those attending live, work, pray, and worship together, and they listen to the short course Rollos (talks) given by priests, deacons, and laity.
There are two purposes of the Cursillo movement: the immediate and the ultimate.
The immediate purpose of Cursillo, is to provide a foundation for living what is fundamental for being a Christian. That is, a 3-fold love: love of oneself, love of God, and love of one's neighbor.
During the Cursillo weekend, this love is experienced through the three essential encounters: with oneself, with Christ, and with others.
The ultimate purpose of Cursillo, is to live our lives according to the Gospel.
As baptized Christians, we have the potential by the Grace of God to provide a Christian backbone to society, and to act as the yeast that ferments and changes the environments we live in.
We live the “good news” of Christ. We don't preach from street corners to evangelize, but our actions in our daily lives are evangelical. Our weekly gatherings in 4th day small groups provide a means to live in community, and encourage one another in spiritual improvement and the Christian apostolate.
Dear Fellow Cursillistas,
De Colores!
The Diocese of Boise is blessed with the gift of the Cursillo Movement. Please accept my sincere appreciation for your dedication in sharing God’s Word through prayer and action. As a Cursillista, I am aware that the Cursillo Movement is a fruitful source of evangelization and renewal within our Church. Through Cursillo, we have the opportunity to have a profound understanding of our relationship with the person and teachings of Jesus Christ and therefore be the voice of God’s love in families, parish communities and beyond.
Thank you for the dedication you share with the priests, deacons and religious men and women in building the Kingdom of God in Idaho. Saint Francis de Sales said, “Truly it is a blessed thing to love on earth as we hope to love in Heaven, and to begin that friendship here which is to endure forever there.” This is also a reminder of the charism each of you has received from God to live out your faith in love here on earth as you fulfill your baptismal responsibility of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with the World.
Please continue your good work of leading others to a more profound understanding of the presence of Jesus in their lives. Be assured of my continued prayers for you and your ministries for the Diocese of Boise.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Peter F. Christensen, D.D.
Bishop of the Diocese of Boise
Contributions may be tax deductible depending upon the donor’s tax situation.
Idaho Cursillo Movement, Inc. is an Idaho 501 (c) (3) nonprofit corporation.